Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

  1. These terms and conditions are valid at the Fit Vallila fitness club for the entire duration of the agreement. The customer agrees to adhere to the terms specified in this agreement.
  2. Changes in contact information must be reported promptly to the fitness club staff.
  3. The contract is created when the customer signs up for membership in customer service or in the online store. An indefinite contract continues for an indefinite period until the contract is terminated in accordance with the terms of the agreement.  
  4. For those under 18, the agreement is approved and signed by the guardian, who is responsible for the payments of the minor and ensures that the minor behaves appropriately at the gym in accordance with this agreement and gym rules. A person under 18 exercises under the responsibility of the approving guardian. If a contract is made in an online store, the guardian must provide their contact information by e-mailing vallila@ole.fit or by visiting the customer service during its opening hours.
  5. The contracting parties in corporate agreements are Fit Vallila and the member as an individual. The company covers the amount specified in the contract for the member's training. If the member resigns from the company or the company ceases to pay the agreed portion, the member is ultimately responsible as an individual for the payments and any costs resulting from delayed payments. Corporate membership can only be transferred to another employee of the same company. A transfer request must be made in writen form to the fitness club.
  6. The customer undertakes to stamp his/her visit every time he/she comes to the fitness club either on the reader at the front door, with the display terminal in the lounge or via the mobile application.
  7. Customers have the right to use the training studio and/or group training services as specified in the membership agreement. Independent training membership includes use of the functional gym and the studio. Group training services cover guided training classes according to valid timetable.
  8. A deposit fee will be charged for the access badge according to the price list. The deposit is paid before the key card is handed over. The deposit is refunded when the unbroken badge is returned by the customer upon the termination of membership. The access badge must be returned to the fitness club at the end of the membership.
  9. In case of losing the access badge the fitness club staff must be notified immediately. Replacing a lost access badge costs the current price according to the price list.
  10. Membership and the access badge are personal and must be brought along when visiting the fitness club. The badge must not be given to another person without the permission of the fitness club staff, and it must not be used to allow outsiders into the club. Customers must prove their identity upon request. If a member brings or lets an outsider into the fitness club without special permission, the member will be charged five times the one-time fee per such unauthorized entry.
  11. As a member Fit Vallila, you can visit other Ole.Fit centers with a visitor card during the respective center's customer service opening hours. Check the opening hours in advance from the respective center. The visitor card is valid for 12 months and can be used for visits twice a month. There is no visitation right during membership breaks. You can get the visitor card from your own gym's customer service. The card must be returned at the end of the membership.
  12. Customer has the right to make group training class reservations in the reservation system. You can always participate in classes without a prior reservation if there's space available. Classes can be booked up to 14 days in advance. You must arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of the class for a booked session - after this, we give the slots to other customers and testers. Customers commit to canceling their reservation through the reservation system at least 4 hours before the start of the class if they are unable to attend. If the reservation is not canceled or if you fail to show up and register for the class, a warning will be sent by email. After two unattended/unregistered reservations, a booking ban of 28 days is applied. This can be removed by paying €10 service fee at the counter during customer service opening hours. 
  13. The termination period for the contract is one calendar month. The notice period is counted for all contracts from the beginning of the calendar month following the receipt of the termination notice. For example, if you terminate the agreement in April, it will end on the last day of May. Termination is done at the Fit Vallila customer service desk or by email vallila@ole.fit. If, when terminating the agreement, the customer has prepaid payments made with exercise vouchers or a similar payment method, these are not refunded or credited in any way.
  14. Membership break can be applied for a total of 8 weeks during the calendar year, but not exceeding 4 weeks at a time. There must be at least one paid 4-week period between breaks. A handling fee of €10 is charged for suspending the contract. The break and the notice period cannot overlap. After the break, the contract continues indefinitely.
  15. Sick leave can be credited towards membership fees. Gym/group exercise fees are not credited retroactively; notification of illness must be given as soon as possible, and the credit is calculated from the time of notification according to the medical certificate. Sick leave does not incur a fee and does not consume the 8-week break mentioned in section 14.
  16. Suspension of membership: In certain special cases, such as military service or work assignments, membership may be suspended for a specified period without losing membership benefits. In such suspension cases, proof must be provided, and the suspension agreement is always made in writing. A handling fee of €10 is charged for suspending the contract. After the suspension, the agreement continues indefinitely.
  17. Failure to use services does not entitle to any refunds, and ceasing to attend is not considered a resignation. Resignation must always be made as specified in section 13.
  18. The customer exercises at the fitness club at their own risk. This applies to the gym, group exercise facilities and other common areas of the fitness club, as well as dressing and showering facilities. The member is responsible for ensuring that the fitness club's provided physical activities are suitable for them and, if necessary, should confirm this with a doctor. The fitness club commits to keeping equipment and facilities in proper condition. The member commits to using the equipment properly.
  19. The fitness club has liability insurance. The fitness club's insurance does not cover events held outside the club.
  20. Delayed payments: The club has the right to charge the customer the statutory late interest and reminder fees. If the invoice needs to be sent for collection despite reminders, the customer will bear the collection costs.
  21. If, despite reminders, the member fails to meet the contractually agreed payments, the membership can be terminated by the fitness club. The club has the right to suspend membership also due to misuse of the key identifier, violation of general terms and conditions or behavior inappropriate to the atmosphere of the fitness club.
  22. The customer acknowledges and accepts that the fitness club can unilaterally change its product and service offerings and branch opening hours according to demand and resources.
  23. Any price changes will be notified two months before the new price list takes effect, after which the price increase will automatically take effect. The fitness club is obligated to inform the member of any changes in prices due to changes in value-added tax or other official actions affecting prices at least one month before transferring such changes to the member's payable prices.
  24. Fit Vallila is not responsible for force majeure that prevents or restricts the customer from using the club's services. Force majeure includes, for example, war, epidemics, pandemics, internal unrest, natural disasters, general interruption of traffic or telecommunications, power outage, strike or other similar unforeseen and unexpected reason.
  25. We maintain a customer register. The purpose of collecting information is to take care of customer relationships in the best possible way and to inform the customer of the services currently available. The customer accepts that information about the fitness club and its partners' services and offers may be sent to the email address provided by the customer. The customer has the right to opt-out at any time.
  26. We process personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), supplemented and specified by national legislation. The fitness club's privacy policy is published on our website and can be viewed at the fitness club upon request.

Club Etiquette

  1. Members must wear clean indoor shoes when exercising at the club. Outdoor shoes are not allowed in the club. Outdoor shoes must be left in the designated area.
  2. The fitness club provides lockable storage lockers for members to use during their workouts. Valuables should not be stored in these lockers, and the fitness club is not responsible for the loss or damage of valuables. Leaving equipment and clothing in the dressing rooms or lockers overnight is not allowed.
  3. Members are required to use a sweat towel and clean the exercise equipment for the next user. Weights and bars should be returned to their racks after use.
  4. Disturbing other exercisers is prohibited.
  5. Taking pictures in the gym is allowed, as long as it is taken into account that the pictures do not recognizably show other customers.
  6. Eating snacks in the sports facilities is prohibited. The drink bottle must have a cap.
  7. Garbage should be taken to the designated containers. Mixed and organic waste as well as bottles and cans are separated into garbage.
  8. Promoting various products and services at the fitness club goes against good manners.
  9. Children are not allowed in the gym or group exercise areas. For safety reasons, children should stay in the designated play area during their parent's workout.
  10. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the fitness club premises. The consumption or bringing of substances, doping agents, and substances prohibited by Finnish law onto the fitness club's premises or activities is prohibited.
  11. Intentional damage to the fitness club's property and premises is prohibited. In addition to compensation for damages, membership can be canceled entirely. In such cases, no refunds will be made.
  12. All thefts are reported to the police. The fitness club has real-time recording camera surveillance.
  13. Please report any observed misconduct to the fitness club staff.
  14. If a member violates the club's rules or behaves against the spirit of the place, a written warning is given. If the violation continues despite the written warning, the membership can be canceled entirely. In such cases, no refunds will be made.
  15. If there are any concerns about the cleanliness, service, or staff of the fitness club, please report them to the fitness club management immediately.
  16. The fitness club occasionally has cleaning/renovation times. During these times, opening/training hours may differ from normal. The fitness club is occasionally used as a training venue, a presentation venue for corporate events, and for advertising photo shoots, during which some areas may be temporarily closed. Notices about these and other special cases will be posted well in advance. These special cases have already been considered when defining prices, and therefore, members are not entitled to separate compensation for these.
  17. The fitness club reserves the right to change the benefits, terms, and rules of the contract. Changes to the terms will be notified to members 2 months in advance. If a member does not terminate the contract within one month of proper notification, it will be considered that the customer has accepted the changes.

Welcome to Fit Vallila!

Updated on August 17h, 2024